Saturday, September 12, 2009

Moving Day

In Prague. Sept 12?
So I officially moved in to my new country last night. Everything went incredibly smooth, which is a relief because it means I was nervous for absolutely no reason. I met Veronika at the gate exit of the airport. She did have a sign with my name on it for those of you who were wondering. We took a bus, the subway, and a tram to get to my dorm. I was incredibly tired and not much for conversation so Veronika spoke with her friend who she brought along with her a lot of the way.
Czech is a strange language by the way. It sounds like people are constanly arguing with each other. At the front desk to my dorm I was convinced the guy working at the desk was telling my buddy that I could not move in, but then he handed me a key and all was well.
When I went up to my room no one was in yet but my roommate had already unpacked all of her things. Veronika told me she would meet me at 8am on Monday and then left me to unpack. My suitcases were almost completely unharmed with the exception of a bottle of hairspray that exploded out of the plastic bag I put it in. Luckily it pretty much only coated the bottom on the suit cases and only my bag of tampons was harmed.
Hangers unfortunately do not come with the room in spite of a great deal of hanging space in the closet, so at some point today I will have to go in search of those as well as a phone. I was not in the apartment long before my new roommate arrived back from the store.
The suite I am in consists of three separate bedrooms with two beds in each room, a small kitchenette in the hallway and a bathroom. The shower (shown) is by far the nicest thing in the suite because it has not only the detatchable hose common to many European households, but also an option for a ceiling shower or a back-massaging shower (notice the 6 little spots in the picture).
The girl I share a room with also went to CSU. Her name is Lauren and she is originally from Castle Rock. The other girl who has arrived already is named Deb (reminiscent of my summer much?). She is from New Jersey. They both seem incredibly nice. They have been here for 3 days now so they have been figuring stuff out. They left early this morning while I was sleeping off my jet lag but they have promised to show me around Prague…or at least the parts they know. Last night they made rice and veggies because Lauren had been feeling incredibly unhealthy since she had been here. We had a picnic on the floor of our room and drank wine from plastic cups provided to us by the student housing. Later they took me to visit some other friends of theirs also from the States.
Lauren is determined to learn Czech but so far all she can say is dog, which is pes and cat which is kocka (the C should have a hook on it). My computer is going to die soon.

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