Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Flight

Sept 10.
So here I am, a nine hour flight awaiting me, everything I own reduced to two suitcases that collectively weigh less than 90lbs, about to embark on an adventure that will inevitably change the way I see the world. The Boeing 747 destined to be my home for the next 9 hours or so stares in at me from beyond the ten foot window. Busy worker ants scuttle in and out of her doors and terminals fitting her with food for me and her 300+ passengers. Two security guards weave their way over luggage and people resting on the floor before the flight. It is starting to make me a little nervous, honestly. Are there normally security guards at the gate? I cannot remember from any previous experience. An arabic woman is sitting next to me. Ah! Racial Profiling! Hahaha. Just kidding, I’m not worried. I do hope I do not have to sit next to anyone terrible on the plane though. 9 hours of some old woman chatting away is going to severely stint my ability to enjoy this trip. I am still incredibly nervous. My hands have been shaking since I had dinner with my family, my boyfriend, and his family. There are four security people now. Just at our gate, I do not see any anywhere else. I am really not normally nervous about flying at all. But I guess being by yourself can change that. The sky has been growing ever darker since I arrived at my gate. Almost as if a storm were coming, not just the night. My trepidation is overwhelming my excitement at this point. I have heard amazing things about Prague and I know there is absolutely no reason I could have a bad time, yet still there remains that constant pounding fear of the unknown. The flight crew is boarding, I suppose I should pack up. See you all in London :)

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